


"GENSET COMPONENTS" is the name or trademark of "GENSET COMPONENTS LIMITED SOCIETY" (here after, "GENSET COMPONENTS"), spanish society, with registered office at Autovía de Andalucía, KM. 318, 23740, Jaén, Spain and with VAT number B73470049, registration details: HOJA: J-22703 Tomo: 599 Folio: 199 IRUS: 1000016747975 and owner of the web domain www.gensetcomponents.com (hereinafter, "Website" or "Website"), with contact email address info@gensetcomponents.com.



GENSET COMPONENTS is identified as the responsible provider of the website www.gensetcomponents.com, providing to users the present document which intends to comply with the legal obligations set out in Spanish Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and of the Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as informing all the users of the website regarding the conditions of use of the website.

By visiting, viewing and using this Portal, the visitor becomes a user (hereinafter the User) and is assumed to fully understand and accept the terms and conditions set out in this legal notice. The user is therefore responsible for reading these terms and conditions of use carefully and is obliged so to do. In the event of not understanding the meaning or score of these terms and obligations, any questions may be addressed to the suggestion inbox (using the email address provided for this purpose) or through any other communications media offered by GENSET COMPONENTS on this portal.

The legal use of the Website requires to users to faithfully commit to don’t use the Website for illegal purposes, incompatible and/or harmful to the rights and interests of any type of GENSET COMPONENTS, as well as any other provision agreed in the present Terms and Conditions of use. The user’s Website are agree to use it in accordance with the law, customs and generally accepted customs.

GENSET COMPONENTS reserves the right to update, edit or eliminate the information contained in this Web, and may limit or refuse access to the site.

GENSET COMPONENTS couldn’t guarantee the users to access continuous and uninterrupted of the Website; GENSET COMPONENT shall have not liability in the event that this event should occur.



The intellectual and industrial property rights to the GENSET COMPONENTS portal, including all text, design, photos, videos, graphics, music and sound, and all trademarks and logos, are the exclusive property of GENSET COMPONENTS, which owns all related exploitation rights in forms, particularly, reproduction and distribution, public communication and transformation. The intellectual property of GENSENT COMPONENTS made available though the portal may only be use by Users for private purposes.

GENTSET COMPONENTS is governed by the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Law of Intellectual Property, regularizing, clarifying and harmonizing the current legal provisions on the matter.

Not content from the website may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in this website or any other electronic system without prior authorization to GENSET COMPONENTS. The authorization for the use of any content of the Website can be requested by email to info@gensetcomponents.com.

GENSETS COMPONENTS trademarks or trade names, signs, titles, names, logos, slogans or any other distinctive signs that appear on the Website and, in particular, the word or phrase "GENSET COMPONENTS" cannot be used without the prior written consent by the company GENSET COMPONENTS LIMITED SOCIECITY.



GENSET COMPONENTS expressly declares its resignation to any type of responsibility for the following causes:

- Operation or lack of functioning of the Website for reasons beyond GENSET COMPONENTS, even when force majeure.

- Direct or indirect damages caused by the information transmitted on the Website or in any electronic communication, including, without limitation, any technical or human error in the published data.

- Security errors or gaps in navigation derived from obsolete or unsafe browsers, as well as the activation of passwords or identification codes in the devices of conservation of the user registry in the browser, or of the damages, errors or inaccuracies that may arise result of a malfunction.

- Damages, losses, direct or indirect or incidental expenses arising from the use of the Website by any of the parties, or in connection with any failure in the performance, interruption, defect, error, omission, delay in the operation, transmission of viruses of any kind or system failures.

The user will be responsible for all damages caused by unlawful or fraudulent acts, as well as for the damages caused to GENSET COMPONENTS or its users, as a direct or indirect consequence of a breach by the user of these conditions of use.


GENSET COMPONENTS reserves the right to execute any legal action to which it was entitled before the relevant judicial bodies or tribunals in defense of their rights and interests.

